Ansys Discovery

Sept 2023 - Present

Sept 2023 - Present

UX design

UX design

Product thinking

Product thinking





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Adobe Illustrator

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Adobe After Effects

During my time at the Ansys 3D Design Business Unit, I contributed to the product development of Ansys Discovery by leading 10+ feature-level designs and addressing numerous usability enhancements through collaborations with cross-functional teams. I was also a primary contributor to establishing the design language from the ground up, shaping the foundation of guidelines for Ansys 3D software.

Ansys Discovery is simulation-driven 3D design software for engineering professionals to explore, test, and refine design concepts in real time. By combining interactive modeling and multiple simulation capabilities, Discovery allows users to address critical design challenges earlier in the product design process.

Ansys Discovery is simulation-driven 3D design software for engineering professionals to explore, test, and refine design concepts in real time. By combining interactive modeling and multiple simulation capabilities, Discovery allows users to address critical design challenges earlier in the product design process.

The modeling interface

The simulation interface

Featured Projects

01.Visibility Group Tools


  • To make inspecting inside a geometry easier for users

  • To showcase product potential on the modeling experience to attract modeling-focused customers

What I did

  • Led the feature design end-to-end

  • Coordinated stakeholder sessions for systemic solutions

  • Supported feature development in a scrum with multifunctional teams

How might we help users efficiently inspect inside the interior of an object's body?

The solutions

How might we help users efficiently inspect inside the interior of an object's body?

The solutions

Accessing the visibility group tool through ribbon buttons or key shortcuts

Faster visibility modification with hiding and unhiding faces

Comprehensive clip tool to clip bodies for quick inspection

Save visibility settings along with the scene for future retrieval


Delivered as the top prioritized feature in What's New for 2024 R1 release, contributing to a 10x faster modeling experience

The Process

A request for easier access to "hide face"

The project began with a request to improve the accessibility and workflow of the "hide face" feature. Currently, the "hide face" feature is located within a sub-menu of the right-click context menu. Each time users want to hide faces, they must navigate through three clicks and locate the option in the menu, which can be frustrating—especially for those needing to perform multiple hide-face actions.

Why wasn't there feedback on this before? Is this an isolated issue? To better understand the challenge from the users' perspective, I decided to conduct further research.

Rescoping the problem with user voice

I spoke with application engineers—professionals who frequently handle customer needs and engage with users—to learn about the stories behind the scenes. I found:

  • As more 3D modeling-focused users adopt Ansys Discovery, the demand for model modification is growing.

  • The core user need driving the request for more accessible face-hiding is the desire for efficient inside inspection workflow, which includes:

Inefficiency of model inspection

The most common way users choose to access the inner part of a body in 3D modeling is by hiding faces, a process that can be complicated for many scenarios. Additionally, the hiding faces action itself is not easily accessible, disrupting workflows and decreasing overall efficiency.

No way for visibility modification

Users often need to edit or adjust the faces they have hidden, but there is currently no way to selectively manage or modify hidden areas. If users want to restore certain hidden faces, they are forced to reveal all faces and redo the entire hiding process from scratch, causing frustration.

Inability to restore hidden views

Users need to switch between viewing the full model and a model with hidden entities for inspection. Once users show all hidden areas to make adjustments, there is no way to get the previous view with specific entities hidden. This forces them to manually re-hide faces, which is time-consuming.

Thus, I rescoped the problem with the product manager and project lead:

Quicker access for hiding faces —> visibility functionalities for more efficient inside inspection workflow

What should those functionalities be?

Ideating with cross-functional teams

We held a collaborative session to brainstorm and evaluate solutions. Working on complex software benefits from involving multi-functional stakeholders (project lead, product manager, developeament lead, application engineers, etc.) —through collaborations, we can have a more holistic view that advances the design concepts.

After evaluating ideas for alignment with user needs and technical feasibility, we identified five functionalities to move forward with:

Better model inspection

  1. More accessible hiding faces action

  2. Enhanced and more discoverable clipping functionalities

Visibility modification functions

c. Unhiding hidden faces

d. Extending/stepping back hidden areas

Visibility switch ability

e. Visibility toggle to switch between models with/without hidden faces

I grouped these functionalities into two categories: Inspect Tool—focused on features related to hiding faces, with many new or redesigned elements; and Enhanced Clip Tool—which includes all clipping-related features, many of which are already existing functionalities.

The evolvement of the inspect tool

The early design

The initial combined the four functionalities we proposed apart from the clipping related one, together with three other functionalities originally included in the context menu. The inspect tool can be accessed from the top ribbon menu, or customized keyboard shortcuts.

Alternative to accommodate development constraints

As re-evaluated on development resources, a dedicated tool with all-round functionalities and a ghost view for visibility states can be challenging within the development cycle. Therefore, the product manager and I decided to screen out some less-prioritized features and I shifted the strategy to enhancing current functionalities in the software as much as possible instead of introducing new.

Feedback from proxy users

One major feedback we received spoke to the early research findings that modifying hidden faces was still a big need. With that user feedback, we enhanced the "show faces" feature by allowing continue showing adjunt faces by performing "show faces" action.

The evolvement of the clip tool

The early design

The initial design aimed to expose clipping functionalities through a dedicated tool, as these features were previously hidden within the right-click context menu and often overlooked by users. By improving discoverability and usability, this tool has the potential to significantly aid users in inspecting the interior of models.

A new functionality was then introduced to allow users to clip the model using location data, which has been validated as valuable for mechanical engineering users through internal feedback.

Alternative to accommodate development constraints

Given the challenge of incorporating both clip volume and clip plane functionalities within the same tool—due to the different underlying coding logic—we iterated on the design to separate volume clip and plane clip into two distinct tools. Additionally, to accommodate the development's implementation of the move and resize tool as a temporary transition to other tools, we redesigned the heads-up display (HUD) UI layout.

Feedback from proxy users

Proxy users who are geometry experts provided feedback leading to some small tweaks including shape switch between sphere and cube, which is well-receieved by actual customers in the end.

Collaboration to the finish

Once a stable design version received collective approval, we moved forward collaboratively to ensure its successful development and implementation. I supported feature development within a scrum team by providing design consultation, adapting the design as needed, refining visuals, conducting collaborative testing, and more.

02.Ansys Design Language (ADL)


  • To establish standards for 3D desktop software and increase UX awareness company-wise

  • To increase modernness and user-friendliness for user interfaces to attract new customers

  • To create design assets that make future prototyping process easier and faster

What I did

  • Acted as the main designer + developer of the ADL website 1.0

  • Generated content for a few chapters for styling, UI, and layout

  • Led a group of 3 for accessibility studies and user research

  • Contributed to creating and extending components for the desktop design system

My key contributions

Enhancing and extending design system components

Designing and developing ADL website 1.0 facing all the design and development teams

Leading the generation of a new color palette

Advocating for accessibility across teams


Laid foundations for 3D software design at an organizational level;
Doubled the efficiency of designers' creation workflow;
Increased the awareness of inclusive design company-wise

  1. System-level thinking

    Ansys Discovery is a complex, highly technical product. Often, the solution that may not seem optimal is, in reality, the most feasible option within given constraints and conditions. Design goes beyond individual interface elements or interactions—it’s about understanding how behavioral patterns impact the entire system. This mindset has also influenced me personally: considering life events or experiences holistically offers a different perspective than focusing on them in isolation.

  2. Advanced collaboration

    Working in a complex organization with multiple product teams and diverse roles has been a key learning experience for me at Ansys. I immersed myself in their daily activities—attending product sessions, testing events, customer office hours, and even debugging issues. Treating collaborators as people, not just roles, has been crucial for building trust, understanding their perspectives, and fostering a collaborative environment. These interactions also broadened my perspective as both a designer and product thinker, enhancing my strategic thinking skills.

© 2024 Zejun Wu

© 2024 Zejun Wu

© 2024 Zejun Wu